Monday, June 29, 2009

Double GC GB Duty

A rare set of circumstances allowed me to commute through Garden City twice this morning. Normally that would be a stressful experience, but not anymore. Yes, normally I would have to be on the lookout for Larry Craig, and try not to look like I am tapping my toes while I pedal my bike across Plantation Island. It is hard to look like you are not tapping your toes when you pedal a bicycle.

Yeah, anyway, I don’t have to worry anymore because the Garden City Police had a little sting-a-ling and arrested some old ‘alternative lifestyle men. Yup, I feel safer now. Way to go Garden City.

I wonder though. I wonder why I was never solicited on Plantation Island. Spandex not tight enough in all the right places? Spandex too tight in all the wrong places? Or maybe its that I didn’t act like I was looking to be solicited. It could be that. It could be that if you act like you are looking for man love you might accidentally find it.

I am glad that Garden City is focusing their resources so well on Plantation Island. I love Plantation Island. I love the rickety bridges on both ends. I love that bumpy ass bike path in the middle. I love the garden of goat heads on the sides of the bumpy ass bike path. I love that it is in bike friendly Garden City. I mean, what’s not to love.

I have an idea – maybe the undercover cops could dress up like construction workers, and work on the freak’n path while they wait to be solicited. You know, they could wear hard hats, tool belts – like that guy from the Village People. I mean, it worked for him didn’t it? I’m just saying…

I’m also glad to know that Boise PD is out on the GB hassling cyclists to make me safer. I am not exactly sure how harassing people on bikes is going to help idiot drivers respect space I take up on the road, but I am sure that Chief Masterson does. Maybe I will ask BPD when they stop me and make me safer. It’s only a matter of time.

Happy Monday.

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