Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Not Quite Angry Enough

I just haven’t been feeling it lately. Angry that is.

The family is healthy and happy. I have a job. I like my co-workers. Well actually, that isn’t quite true – I find 2.5 of them mildly irritating. But anyway, I am having fun cycling. I like my all my team mates. Really, pretty much all of them. The Steelers won the Super Bowl. The Lakers beat the Jazz. The Red Sox swept the Yankees. The Red Sox swept the Yankees. Did I mention that the Red Sox beat the Yankees. GW isn't President any more. My wife didn’t have a coronary a minute ago when I told her I needed a $200 bike computer. I made my own new custom commuter bike. Its all good.

My wife does keep whining that she still has twentysomething more days until school is out. Yes, there is that. That kind of pisses me off. I only have twentysomething more YEARS until my summer vacation starts.

But anyway, yeah, not very angry. I hardly even got mad the other day when LBD held the sprinkler wrestling world championships in my back yard.

On my rides recently I haven’t even been the angriest cyclist. That would be Johnny Atmos. In fact, he is so angry that if I had an Angry Cyclist cycling team, he would be the team captain. Captain Angry. It even kind of cracks me up. Maybe laughing at other peoples anger is indicative of my own really deep seated anger. I will have to think about that.

Maybe my new 555 mantra should be ‘Not quite angry enough’ instead of ‘Almost entirely evil’. I don’t know.

On my way out of work today I noticed that someone left their vehicle unlocked with the keys on the dash. It took some effort to keep from starting the engine and locking the doors. Maybe that is a step in the right (wrong) direction. If it would have been one of the 2.5 people who mildly irritate me I probably couldn’t have held back.

Maybe tomorrow I will feel angrier. Lock your cars just in case.

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