Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm Dead Sexy

I knew that I was sexy, but I did not know I was sexy enough to throw money at. Apparently I am that sexy. Dead sexy. (Don't hate me because I'm beautiful).

Well, at least sexy enough that teenage boys feel the need to throw money at me when I am riding my bike and they drive by in their cars. I must admit that it bothers me a little bit in a homophobic way that teenage boys find me sexy enough that they would throw their hard earned money at me. By hard earned, I mean the money that mom gave them to buy greasy pizza for lunch. I guess I will get over it. I just wish they would throw more, maybe a dollar bill paper airplane every once in a while.

It is a little ironic that when I finally decided to start picking up the money that I see on the side of the road that people start throwing it at me. I always suspected that was how it got there, but now I am sure. It pisses me off a little bit, but it could be worse. I mean, it’s not like it hurts or anything. Like, how hard can you throw a penny from inside a car. Now a dollar coin, that might hurt, but it would be worth it too. Regardless, it wouldn’t hurt as bad as the bee that stung me in the groin area yesterday. Little bastard.

So anyhow, I made $0.15 on my commute yesterday. That doesn’t even count the money that was thrown at me – which I didn’t pick up. I do have some dignity. Now I have $1.02. Soon I will have enough money to get the ghetto 9 speed Shimano derailleur that I have long coveted.
I don’t know if I should be optimistic or pessimistic about the economy in regard to this incident. Do people throw money at cyclists because they have disposable income, or is it because they don’t have enough money to buy bullets?

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