Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Various Accouterments

A guy at work rode his bike in today and parked it in the office. He calls it the T-wreck. I won't comment about that, but one thing did catch my eye...

I gotta say, I have never seen a bike with one of those before. And wearing a rasta hat nonetheless.

This bike is a little less flaccid, but also interesting...

Notice he is rocking some ape hanger handlebars that he stole off some kids bike. And the brake cables which have gone beyond flaccid and are downright floppy. You could jump rope with those bad boys - or maybe make a lasso.

You probably also noticed the mountain bike bar ends that he has thrown in for a little bit of extra maneuvering awkwardness - but did you notice he is rocking his front fork backwards? Yeah baby, this guy knows how to roll.

How about the road front wheel and the mountain back wheel. At least he has a reflector, you know, for safety.

It must be bitch'n when he turns and the front tire rubs the frame.

Sorry about the cracked windshield. Need to get that fixed - it's gonna distract Hitlers view soon.

And yes, I did have to look up how to spell accouterments.

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