Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sassafras and Other Crap

Saw this in the paper last week…

Yeah, I know. I thought the same thing. Little effer.

Note, out of respect to his cause I used a politically correct version of the swear word – because, you know, I am politically correct as hell.

Yup, there I am, busy not swearing, when a friend sends me this…

WTF? I mean sassafras, I meant to say sassafras. That’s what the kid wants me to say instead of potty words. Sassafras. I am all about sassafras, let me tell you.

Gossshhhh, what the heck is that thing? Look at me, I’m Napoleon Dynamite.

Is that a three legged chicken? Or is it a cow giving birth? I saw that once, a cow giving birth, it was pretty similar to that picture. Is it a beaver? I especially like that pointy beak, and the erotic white eye. That’s an eye right? I don't even want to know what happens if you pull that handle.

The subject of the email was something like ‘So much of a fail, it’s a success’. And how! That’s some scary sassafras there boy. Not seeing any geese in the background of that one, eh?

What I am seeing in the background is a giant BSU sign that says ‘Excellence’. Yeah, I would say something about that – but that may break my resolution for this year. You remember, something about me not to be a BSU hater? Yeah, I won’t even imply anything. Yup, go Broncos – that’s me.

Good times.

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