Friday, October 9, 2009

Open Letter to Cartwright Fence Guy

So some friends mentioned it may be a good idea to leave a note for the Cartwright Fence Guy. Well, I don't know if it was a good idea for ME to do it, but I did do it and stuck it to the fence. Hopefully it stays on the fence, it was a bit windy. Would it be ironic if my letter about roadside debris ended up as roadside debris? Anyhow, an open letter to the cartwright fence guy...

Dear Cartwright Fence Guy,

First, let me say thank you for the service you do in picking up other peoples junk and affixing it to the fence here. There is way too much stuff thrown out of cars (and from cyclists pockets) – and anyone who helps to clean up after these morons is a good person in my book.

I have enjoyed riding past this section of fence for several years now, seeing what new interesting garbage was affixed to the fence. I would have enjoyed it more if there hadn’t been steep freak’n hills on both sides. Anyhow, it has been like a roll through garage sale or even ride by second hand store – while I haven’t made any purchases yet, I’m sure that the right item will come my way soon.

I must admit that I rode past your sign here several times before I stopped to read it. I figured it to be a rant about cyclists and their trash, and after a long summer of hearing rants about cyclists I really didn’t want to subject myself to more.

Well one day I rode past 3 times (that’s a lot of nanocalories), and decided to stop and read it. Well, I was right, it was a rant about cyclists and their trash. The unexpected part was that it was a well written and witty rant about cyclists and their trash – not to mention the fact that it was spot on.

So you see, I agree. I have an anger that burns inside about roadside debris as well. When cyclist contribute it really ticks me off. The Gu packages are irritating, but what really gets my goat is when some wanker leaves the old tube when he changes out a flat tire. Ugh.

I will say that I do like some roadside debris though. I have quite an eclectic collection of music cds that I have collected in the last year. I do somewhat enjoy listening to those. I have a new appreciation for rap.

Anyhow, thanks again for what you do. I promise not to purposely leave crap on the roadside, and to ridicule other cyclists when they do.


P.S. Thanks for saying me and my carbon fiber bike look good. I know it is a lie though, my wife even makes fun of my spandex. One time a kid with a violin kid made fun of me. Yes violin kid made fun of me. Nonetheless, I appreciate the compliment. I mean that in a manly sort of way of course, especially if you are a guy.

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