Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Season For New Friends

So I made two friends today when I was out for my noon time ride. It doesn’t happen very often, and honestly I usually do my best to steer clear of it. I mean, not to be rude, but I sorta got a schedule you know?

I ran into these two on the greenbelt out by Lucky 13 – you know, the bumpy ass section. Anyway, yeah, run into them out by Lucky 13. My first instinct to extract myself from the situation immediately. But deep down I know that my chances of being happy at the end of the ride will be much greater if I finish it with these two.

I kind of thought they might get dropped in one of the rough sections, or around some of the corners, or surely on a hill. Nope. They were right on my tire all the way out to Lucky Peak, across the dam, to the boat ramp and all the way back to Municipal Park. At that point I thought it was my lucky day. It was looking pretty good that I was going to be happy at the end of my ride.

Then they broke off and disappeared. Ah hell, I just pedaled back to work and hoped for the best. Despite losing my 2 new friends and going back to work I still felt pretty good.

I didn’t get any pictures of my friends but I found this picture on the internet of some similarly endowed…

Speaking of friends. It came to my attention today that in order to be good at the Mafia Facebook game that more friends is better than less friends. I am going to have to get over my fear of making friends and start being nice to people. I just read The Godfather, so I think it might be kind of cool to be a Don.

So yeah, I need more friends so I can be better at killing people (in a game). I’m sure there is a message in that somewhere, but I don’t have time to explore it.

I wonder if Goatheads will be my Facebook friend? Probably not.

Don Elmer sounds kind of stupid anyway.

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