Friday, January 15, 2010

A Leap of What?

So I took a leap of narcissism the other day and got my very own domain name. Yeah, it was either that or lunch at Wendy’s. As much as I love the spicy chicken sandwich I love myself even more so I got the old domain name. Besides, I am training for bike racing anyway right? Something like that.

I would have gone for, but someone else already got that one. Wanker. Its some dude from Brooklyn that apparently spends more time setting up his blog than writing in it. He doesn’t even seem that angry. What’s with people from New York thinking that they have the corner on the angry market?

Speaking of angry New York people, did you know that BikeSnobNYC is from Idaho. I shit you not. It takes growing up in rural Idaho to develop that much skepticism, cynicism, and sarcasm.

So anyway, yeah, if you type in that www you will get to my blog. I think the blogspot address still works too and will probably still show up in the address bar. Some kind of internet magic – it is all done with smoke and mirrors. All that for a spicy chicken sandwich.

Speaking of not eating spicy chicken sandwich’s I have been trying to get motivated for the upcoming bike racing season. I seem to be having a particularly hard time this year. I decided that I would add the the Race Countdown –O-Meter 5000 back to my blog. It’s over there to your right. I thought that would motivate me.

Yep, motivated as hell now. Can’t you tell? Me either.

I really want that spicy chicken sandwich. Anyone want to buy a domain name?

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