Thursday, May 15, 2008

May in Myopia 2: Lance Armstrong Wannabe Guy

Again, riding your bike to work is a good thing. But sheeesh people, get a life.

I am commuting home yesterday on the greenbelt. Carrying my big commuter bag, spinning easy, calling out ‘on your left’ – basically doing my best to be Joe commuter. I come up behind a guy on one of those road bikes with flat handlebars. He is sporting the spandex under baggies look, along with the nice cycling t-shirt.

I call out to pass and as I am going by the guy gives me a speed racer look and shifts down – accelerating. You have got to be kidding me. WTF. Did the race start somewhere back there and I missed it? Is he afraid I am going to get to the library before him and check out that sweet new Jack Johnson CD; get to the coffee shop first and get my latte before him? You’re killing me moron.

I give the guy my best eyebrows raised, not amused look and accelerate a bit myself to finish the pass. Then the dude hops on my wheel. I don’t mind having people on my wheel – unless it is TG or Lance Armstrong Wannabe Guy (hmmm, maybe they are the same guy). What is this guy doing? Is he going to jump around me and take the win at the wooden bridge? or the fireman training place? or the place where the bums live under the bridge? Aargh…

So I proceeded to pick the worst lines on the greenbelt until the dude bounced off. Passive aggressive what?

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