Thursday, November 20, 2008

Signs, Signs, and a Freak’n School Bus

Riding home from work the other day I see this sign…

It says 'No Waiting' on the part you can't see. I was just thinking to myself, ‘Self, you know what we need? We need more impatient drivers around here’. Apparently someone else thought so too. Interestingly, a pedestrian got hit by a car at the same intersection this morning just before I rolled through. Go figure.

It’s ok though, further into my commute I saw this sign…

Yeah, the one right behind the school bus. Stupid school bus. You will have to trust me on this – there is a sign on the other side of the bus that says…

“Why worry when you can pray”

Yep, why worry about your finances, your health, your responsibilities when you could just pray. I hope that works out for you. If it doesn’t maybe you can get in on that bailout thing.

Since we are one sign short of a Tesla song, I will throw this one in too…

I’m not sure what a DOMN is, but apparently there is a slow one near the Park Center Bridge. That’s what the greenbelt sign said anyway.

…everywhere there’s signs…

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