Tuesday, April 5, 2011


A friend sent me this email today. It had a bunch of pictures of people exhibiting questionable parenting skills. They were all kind of funny, you know, in a shocking sort of way – but this one really jumped out at me. Duh, because there is a bike.

A sweet roadmaster I might add.

Right so when I saw the picture I had several thoughts…

Those people should wear helmets. It would be uncomfortable to have a helmet in your butt.

I bet it is more uncomfortable to be a thong than to wear a thong.

I wonder if that kid had the doll when she sat down there, or if, you know – she found it.

What exactly does that woman have in common with the butterfly tattooed on her ankle.

Oh god, is that an Idaho license plate on that car?

Yes, yes it is. Canyon County to be exact. Yeah, where they don’t want to test for emissions…

I’m gonna leave that one there.

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