And by week I mean the past month or so.
I ride past the garden city post office every time I ride my bike to work. I have been seeing this for a while...
Every time I see it I think to myself that yes, if I wanted to rent a box garden city is where I would start looking. And yes, I know I didn't capitalize garden city - they don't deserve it.
I did notice that some people in garden city have a lot of balls though...
Have you ever heard the Jeff Foxworthy bit where he says you might be a redneck if your home is mobile but your car is not. Well garden city is the only place I can think of where most of the homes they sell are mobile, and most the cars they sell are not. Seriously, drive down Chinden sometime.
Anyway, most of my days have looked like this lately...
Yup, new snow in the mountains and dreary in the valley.
This is some dude playing hooky from work. Bastard.
A friend told me about a precariously perched column on the broadway bridge the other day. I checked it out while I was rocking through.
So someone put a chain around it so when whatever is holding it up gives the column doesn't fall straight down and hurt, well, the dirt. Yeah, instead the chain will catch it and swing it over the gb where inevitably it will come loose from the chain and take out a pesky cyclist or pedestrian. Triumphant.
I'm no engineer, but I think it may be bad when you can see the re-bar in your bridge supports. I think someone is carving out a living space. Literally.
Umm, go fast anywhere near the main street bridge. Come to think of it, go fast around them all.
Speaking of looking for living space, the angry duck is back.
Little pecker. Didn't get enough last year.
And um, I saw the wiener mobile parked in a random parking lot the other day.
That's not me standing by it - you know, in case you were wondering. Dangerously close to me, but not me.
Right. Peace out.