Nuts. This could possibly be the worst week ever.
First, convicted human trafficker , err, illegal transport arranger, Laura Silsby makes her virtuous return to Boise confident that she has been delivered by God.
Then comes the announcement that political monkey Sarah Palin is coming to town in support of Vaughn Ward. Rock on. Maybe she can teach him to write other politicians position statements on his hand instead of on his website.
Yeah, those two were gems for me – and that was just Tuesday.
So Wednesday I see this little symbol in the weather forecast…
Seriously? Snow? It’s almost effing June. Ugh, the climate change thing is turning out to be a real bitch.
Also Wednesday I start hearing rumblings about a Floyd Landis doping-palooza.
Thursday began the full blown Flandis doping-palooza, implicating pretty much anyone that good ‘ol Floyd ever rode with. Not that I think that most of it isn’t true – because most of it probably is. It just would have meant more if he would have said it before he stole money from people to defend his lies – and oh yeah outed Greg LeMond as a child abuse victim. Wanker.
That’s not even the half of it. Thursday I rocked non-matching socks the entire day. I didn’t even notice until I got back from a noon time ride. Classy.
Well, I guess looking on the bright side…
Laura Silsby can get a made for TV movie deal, and pay some of the many people she owes money to.
Sarah Palin, well I am glad that she is speaking in Boise – rather than as an elected official in D.C. – there is that.
The weather is the weather, and the weather will do what the weather does. Deal with it.
We know that the Tour of California has officially arrived because it has been used as a platform for doping allegations – just like all the other big races.
We are one step closer to seeing Floyd Landis playing Kid Rock covers at the county fair.
And at least my socks were similar in color. Sort of.
Oh yeah, then there was the news about scientist creating a living organism. I vote for flying monkeys next.
Its Friday.
New Radio Show!
5 years ago
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